Indonesian military ill-treat and torture indigenous Papuans
The loading of the video may take some moments, thank you for your patience. Due to heavy server load from the high demand on this material we have experienced perfomance problems with our web server. We are working on the problem. Thank you for your understanding. The press release to the video with more information about it is available here.
The video and its footage may be downloaded in different formats for reproduction:
The mp4 format of the edited video shown above (64MB) can be downloaded here.
Case of ill-treatment of arrested persons by the army:
- AHRC-VID-012-2010-2-Indonesia.mpg
- AHRC-VID-012-2010-3-Indonesia.mpg
- AHRC-VID-012-2010-4-Indonesia.mpg
Case of torture of at least two persons by reportedly the Indonesian army: AHRC-VID-012-2010-1-Indonesia.3gp (Resolution: 176x144, mobile phone recorded. frame rate 9.259/s, codec h263, viewable in quicktime)
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